Cycling from Seattle to Washington DC

Day 15: Edgemont, SD to Rushville, NE - 116 miles.
It was hot today. I don't know the temperature but someone in Crawford told me temperature was over 100 degrees - and ice would be my secret. I have always thought of myself as King of the ice sock. A sock filled full of ice - tied in a knot then placed inside your shirt on your shoulders.
Today I used: 2 ice socks on my shoulders, ice inside my arm covers, and a small ice sock under my cycling hat and helmet. I started the morning with a long stretch of 60 miles to Crawford- with no towns in between. I arrived feeling okay, but started to worry when all I saw was a ghost town. I started riding up and down the streets and finally found a little diner / bar to have an early lunch. I found a booth that had an air conditioning vent under the table. I stayed a long time to make sure my body was cooled off. Then I loaded up with ice and rode to Chadron. I was shocked that I was not struggling with the heat.
Once in Chadron I sat inside a gas station - loaded up with more and rode to Rushville. Staying at a little hotel that has nice old charm - feel like it would have been a hotel my grandparents would have gone to in 1960. I was given a friendly greeting from a dog when I arrived. I miss my dogs and cats.
Tomorrow I will start my ride to Valentine around 4:30 AM to beat the heat. My body is feeling stronger every day. I'm riding at a steady zone 2 pace and feel good.