Cycling from Seattle to Washington DC

I have been practicing packing for my bike trip for the past two weeks. Today was the day to do my real packing. I have four dry bags containing different items. The largest dry bag is 30 liters in size and will be stored on the top of the rear rack. This bag holds all my camping equipment, medical items, cleaning items, toiletries, and some repair items. On the sides of the rear rack will be two - 8 liter dry bags. One side bag will hold biking rain gear and a few other bike clothing items. The other side bag will hold food, electrolyte mixes, and charging cords. Attached to the handlebars will be an 11 liter dry bag containing all other clothing items. Above the handlebar bag will be a smaller bag containing maps, note pads, head lamp, and small personal items. There is also a frame bag holding 2 liters of water and some repair items. Attached to handlebars and top tube are 3 small food bags for items to be eaten while riding. There are two more small frame bags to hold repair items. It has been a real challenge determining what to items to bring. Several items I thought about leaving at home - but knew that they could be needed if the weather turned bad or I had mechanical issues. The bike will be heavy and slow. But I’m not planning to race, I want to get across the country safely. At the halfway point I will be riding across Nebraska and could drop some items off if they are not needed. Tomorrow is my last day at home then I’m flying to Seattle on Friday.