Cycling from Seattle to Washington DC

It was rain gear day. I’ve stopped for the night in Livingston, Montana. Livingston is only about 37 miles east of Bozeman - sounded easy. Those 37 miles were beautiful but felt like the Alps. Non-stop climbing up over 6,000 then down then back up to over 6,000. It rained the whole day - lucky it was rain. The forecast was for snow west of Bozeman - so I was racing the storm all day. I made it across the peaks and out of the snow warning. Montana is beautiful, but also brutal. The first climb I called Billionaires Mountain- the properties had to be worth a billion dollars. I saw two incredible ranches that made me think of the show Yellowstone (but bigger and nicer) I wanted to stop and take picture but was afraid A ranch hand would come after me. My speed is slow but my legs are getting stronger.